Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My New Favorite Sandwich!

I'm going a little crazy with all of these posts that Megan will probably begin to regret giving me access to the blog;)  But this sandwich is just SO good! And best of all it's easy and healthy. And vegan!

-2 slices of fresh, soft, whole wheat bread (for those in Utah, I use 12 Grain Kneadin' Bread which can be found at Good Earth)
-Spike (it's a seasoning that you can find at any natural food store or if you don't have it then you can use garlic salt and/or seasoning salt)
-Red pepper
-Yellow onion

I slice the tomato, pepper and avocado into 1/4 inch thick slices. Then I chop the onion into small pieces to sprinkle onto the sandwich. I spread the veganaise generously onto both slices of bread and sprinkle some of the seasoning on (a little on each side or whatever suits your taste). I first place the tomatoes on the bread, then the pepper, then I sprinkle on the onion and top it off with the avocado. Just add on as much of each veggie as you think will taste good. I tried to imitate a sandwich they have at Good Earth and they add some fresh greens to the sandwich, too. I just don't have any greens at the moment. Once you try this you will want to make it every day!


  1. Hey! I have been making a sandwich very similar! Only I don't use veganaise because I still have a huge thing of normal mayonnaise to get through (gotta stay frugal and not waste) and I use ciabatta (harmons sells small "individual" sized loafs that are really good. I do almost all the same ingredients (minus the spike) except I roast the peppers and onions (olive oil, salt, pepper) and then add fresh mushrooms (you could roast those too) and fresh very thinly sliced red onion. Then I top it all off with tomato, salt and pepper, and lots of yummy baby arugula, sometimes we use a little balsamic vinegarette. Morgan and I both have been loving this sandwich - its like we got it from a yummy sandwhich shop!

  2. I want to try yours!! That sounds so delicious, especially with the arugula!
